Friday, April 17, 2009

It's been a really "Bright Week!"

A ton has happened since Pat last posted our Easter pictures so I'm going to try and remember everything as I type this. We have three sitting, crawling, and pulling up to standing babies now so our lives have gotten a little more interesting. Seamus and Katie have even tried to walk while holding on to our fingers. Helena FINALLY has a crib to sleep in. A real, non-recalled, not broken crib instead of her pack and play. We have also started the babies on Stage 3 foods. After a few days of gagging and some actual barfing I think they might finally be starting to get the hang of chewing their food when they eat. They've even gotten better at using their sippy cups! On Wednesday Pat's sister Deb and her kids came over to visit. We missed seeing them on Easter so it was nice to have them come see the babies. They love showing off for their cousins.

Feeding time at the Murphy zoo

Kevin feeding Helena

We also tried giving the babies a bath in the bathtub for the first time. You'll see in the pictures that it didn't quite go as we expected. They loved their baby bathtub but...

Helena last baby bath

Seamus last baby bath

Katie last baby bath

Trying the bathtub... not a hit!

Bathtime today went much better!




On Thursday morning Pat took Seamus to have his skull x-rays done. He needed to have them repeated to make sure his sutures were still open and that his head is growing as it should be. The weather has been so nice here that we took them to the zoo after they came back home. We had some interesting experiences while we were there. We found out that our side-by-side stroller will NOT fit through the entrance or out of the parking garage. Some nice random strangers did help us out but that's the last time that we'll use that stroller there until they're big enough to walk. We also felt a little bit like we might have been on exhibit ourselves instead of just being there to see the animals like everyone else. It was fun though and nice to get out in the sun a bit.

At the zoo

Pat and babies at the zoo

Helena taking a nap instead of enjoying the zoo!

We also found out yesterday that the babies have to have one more RSV shot. So much for being done with those. Our doctors office called and I guess RSV season is not quite over yet so one more dose it is. Today the babies had their helmet appointment down at Children's Hospital. We found out that Helena is officially done with her helmet!!! Seamus's x-rays came back just fine and he gets to start weaning off of his helmet and will be out of it completely in about 2 weeks. Katie has a little while to go yet. Her new helmet is working out well but she has to continue to wear her helmet full time for another month or so and then can go down to wearing it just at night. They go back for a re-check in July and hopefully we will be completely done with helmets!
On a completely different note, I would like to dedicate this post to my Great Aunt Anna who passed away a few days ago. Her funeral was today and because of the babies doctor's appointments I was unable to attend. Our thoughts and prayers are with our family in the McKees Rocks area. I know how much she enjoyed hearing about how the babies were doing and now they have another guardian angel watching over them. We'll miss you Aunt Anna!


FrenznickFive said...

HI! we are from Michigan too and when we were at the zoo two weeks ago we took our Safetech jogger and of course it didn't fit through the entrance so they had to opend the wide exit gate for us to get in! so when we went last week we took our choo choo and that woorked much better although no matter what we take we still become more of an attraction than the animals! oh and I love the wings Helmet!

Bryan McAleer said...

Hey its Bryan I saw the picture of us and I felt like Mike Wisowsky from Monsters Inc. The little green guy. "I can't believe it...I'M ON A BLOG.