A lot has been going on this last week for us. The walls of our house have been seeming to shrink around us as the babies have grown into the toddlers they are today, so we put our house up for sale the Friday after Thanksgiving. We have looked around this last week at houses. When we got home on Friday after looking at houses, we began to get ready to go get our Christmas tree Saturday with the grandparents, Aunt Becca, Uncle John, Clay and Drew. We got the surprising phone call that they wanted to show our house on Saturday. This made us freak out. So on top of prepping for a whole day outing, we also had to clean up and pack up the random Pack 'n Plays we use for nap time. Saturday was a long day of driving to Applegate to a drive around tree farm, then hanging out with the cousins and playing at Aunt Becca's house. It was a long day but we had fun buying our giant tree to later set up in our kitchen. Yes, we set up our tree in the kitchen. Saturday night we had to remember to set out the kids' shoes for Saint Nicholas Day on Sunday. On Sunday we went to church for the mass and stayed for the Saint Nicholas Day Luncheon. Mary had a Band Concert so I had to enlist help from Aunt Christi, Aunt Becca, and Grandpa and Grandma. We all had fun and the triplets are now old enough to run around and play with all the other kids, a world of difference from Christmas last year. Mary and I set up the Christmas tree on Sunday, then we finished today. When you see the size of our tree you'll understand why it took two days to decorate.

Its Official

Going to get the tree

The Murphy Family Christmas Tree

Looking at the trees from the van

Helena picking out her own tree

Katie happy to be finding trees

Seamus with hat head and Cheerios

Shoes on Saturday Night

Shoes on Saint Nicholas Day

Finding their shoes

Helena and Katie with their presents

Seamus with his present

Decorating the tree

Katie in Christmas Hat

Helena in Christmas Hat

Seamus in Christmas Hat

Christmas tree pictures
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