This holiday weekend was busy for all of us. The Saturday after Thanksgiving was Grandma and Grandpa Murphy's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party, and since we were all dressed up for the party we finally got a family portrait of my entire family, which was a crazy experience with all the people involved. Before the photo shoot at Grandma and Grandpa Murphy's house, Grandpa Huddas came over to take our Family Portrait. The party was fun, and the babies got to meet some more of the extended family at the party. Sunday Aunt Kathy Murphy came over before she had to go back home, so the kids got to play with her for an extra day! Then if the weekend wasn't busy enough, we had their 18 month check-up, and they are all getting so big. Katie is still our biggest at 26lbs 12oz 33" (75th-90th percentile for both). Seamus weighed in at 22 lbs 12oz (10-25th percentile) and 32.5" long (50-75th percentile). Helena was the smallest still, but jumped right back on the growth curve for weight at 20lbs 4oz (3-5th percentile) and is 31 1/4" which is 10-25th percentile. They all cried because they were expecting to get the shots that never came. I can't believe at this point they are closer to 2 years than 1!

Grandma and Grandpa Murphy with all the Grandchildren

Aunt Kathy Murphy reading with Seamus

Aunt Kathy with Katie and Helena

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