Christmas celebrations have made for a busy few days around here. Here's our last couple days in pictures.

Opening up gifts with Aunt Kathy and Uncle Chris Dressig. They came over to see us on Christmas Eve's eve.

On Christmas Eve morning... before going to Aunt Marianne and Uncle Nick's to celebrate with the Wasilco side of the family. Thanks again Aunt Mel and Uncle John for our jammies!

Waking up on Christmas morning to see what Santa brought us.

Katie opening up her new baby doll.

Seamus sitting on his new Little People airport. I guess he doesn't want Santa to try and take it back!

Helena opening up her stocking with Daddy.

Mommy opening my gift from the kids. A personalized golf towel!

Daddy opening his gift from the kids. A Redwing Mr. Potatohead!

Helena all dressed up in her Christmas outfit. What a ham!

Katie in her Christmas outfit. She's decided to only be serious in pictures!

Seamus in his Christmas vest and tie. He's so handsome with his new big boy haircut!

Katie opening gifts at Grandma and Grandpa Huddas's

Helena and her new doll from Grandma and Grandpa Huddas

Seamus loves his new froggy from Grandma and Grandpa Huddas

Where's the snow? Our brand new sled from Uncle Mike and Aunt Kim. It's big enough for all of us!

Maybe if we rock really fast in Grandma and Grandpa Murphy's chair we can keep ourselves awake.
This last picture was taken before we went home to go to bed. It had been a very long day with only one little nap to help us make it through after being up REALLY late the night before. We even had to wake the trio up on Christmas morning so we would make it to church on time. We went back to Grandma and Grandpa Murphy's today to see them and Aunt Kathy one more time before she left to go back home to NC. Then we went to the Huddas house to see Aunt Margo and Uncle Ken who were visiting Grandma and Grandpa and had some dinner. Now we're all home, the kids are in bed, and I'm trying to stay awake to finish typing this. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and that Santa was good to you too! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!