The kids started a new class three weeks ago. They now take a swimming class at the high school every Wednesday afternoon. They are almost the entire class, as there is only one other kid in the class. They all enjoy playing the game where they collect rubber duckies almost as much as the free suckers at the end of class. This past weekend we took our annual trip to Boyne Mountain. It was quite the change from our normal trips of the past. For starters, my mom and dad were unable to make the trip due to the fact that my mom's been sick and was in the hospital. She seems to be slowly getting better now due to some breathing treatments and antibiotics for pneumonia. Katie's been sick as well and had a doctors appointment on Friday morning before we were able to leave and head up north. She's off her nebulizer but has a new medicine we are trying out for her allergies. Let me tell you how fun it is trying to convince a 3 year old that she needs to use a nasal spray every day. Thanks to Aunt Kim though who's on the same meds for her allergies, Katie thinks she's a big girl when she takes it and is actually pretty cooperative once we remind her of that on a daily basis. The trip itself was a blast! We got up to Boyne on Friday afternoon and Pat was able to borrow my dad's skis since he couldn't make the trip. Stephen and Pat skied for an hour or so while the kids hung out at the awesome condo with Uncle Mike, Aunt Kim and me. This year we stayed at a condo right off the slopes which was great! We were a 20 foot walk to the chair lift and the kids could go sledding right outside the door. Becca and her family as well as Steve's friend Nathan made it up later in the evening. Saturday morning Clay and Drew went to ski school while Pat and I took our trio to the water park Avalanche Bay. It was a ton of fun. Everyone tried the water slide at least once and Katie and Seamus went down countless times by themselves. That evening Katie got sick... not enough sleep, too much excitement, and new medicine did her in. The poor kid puked for about 24 hours straight. She was so sad that she couldn't swim a second time that evening. All the kids did get to enjoy a viewing of the movie Tangled though while Pat, John, Steve, and Nathan all went skiing. Sunday after very little sleep we packed up and started a very snowy trip home. Getting out of Gaylord took a while since it was practically white out conditions until we hit the freeway. Two days later we're still recovering from lack of sleep but are really happy we went. Hopefully next year everyone will be healthy and we can do it all again! Our trio are already planning on going to ski school next year. Seamus thinks he already knows how to ski, he just need "sticks" aka poles. Can't wait!

Seamus Sledding at Boyne

Katie Sledding at Boyne

Helena Sledding at Boyne

Aunt Kim pushing Katie down the hill at Boyne

Katie, Seamus, Clay, Helena and Drew watching a movie at the end of a long day
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