Easter Sunday, like many other holiday's for us, was quite the busy day. We woke early so Katie, Seamus and Helena could look for their Easter Eggs hid around the house. That Easter Bunny is so tricky, so it took us about 15 minutes for everyone to find all their eggs. The eggs held such treasures as jelly beans, chocolates, bouncing balls, money (5 moneys to be exact)and stickers. The Easter Bunny also got Seamus a little toy car and the girls Minnie Mouse hair ties. After the egg hunt, we ate breakfast played, and got dressed for church. One big difference this holiday is that we had one child who did NOT wear a diaper the whole time. Katie pretty much decided out of nowhere about 4 days ago she wanted to use the potty, so she has been ever since. After a brief church service of over two hours, we got our baskets blessed and headed to Grandpa and Grandma Huddas' for Easter lunch. And believe it or not, the Easter Bunny left the trio Easter baskets to find there too! We all then ate traditional Easter food and introduced the kids to the game Rock Band. Katie, Helena and Clay played the drums, Uncle Steve and Seamus played guitar, I sang and Mary walked away to get away from my voice. We sounded great! After we Grandpa and Grandma Huddas' house we made stop #2 of the day at Mary's Aunt Carol and Uncle Pete's. We all got to see some of Mary's family we don't get to see very often, and the kid's were excited to see Aunt Kathy Soup for the first time in a while. After that we went to stop #3 to see Grandpa and Grandma Murphy. There we got to visit with Conner, uncle Tim, Uncle Ed, Uncle Dan, Aunt Kathy and the rest of their Murphy Kids. After dinner and too much desert it was about time to get home. It's always nice to see so much of the families on the Holiday's, but it completely tuckers out the kids. Who am I kidding, I think it tires out Mary and I more. Everyone fell right to sleep after we got home, and Katie impressed us by having no accidents through all of our stops in just Big Girl Underpants! The next day I was off work and got a relaxing day at home with the trio. That day Katie and Seamus both went the whole day in underpants with no accidents. Seamus was such a big boy he even woke up dry after nap and bed time! Maybe by the next holiday all of us will be potty trained. My God...it will be beautiful.

Helena, Seamus and Katie looking for eggs Easter Morning

Helena with one of her Easter Eggs

Seamus with his Easter basket

Katie with her Easter basket

Thank you Easter Bunny!!

Seamus finding his Easter basket at Grandpa and Grandma Huddas'

Drew and Clay helping Lena find her Easter basket at Grandpa and Grandma Huddas'

Katie finding her Easter basket at Grandpa and Grandma Huddas'

Seamus eating his chocolate bunny

Katie eating her chocolate bunny

Lena eating her chocolate bunny
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