On Friday we decided to take the kids out for a fun day since it was the last day of Winter Break. So I took the day off work and we went to the Flint Children's' Museum to play around. We almost decided to turn around because the traffic report pretty much said every car on the freeway was in danger of being in an accident. But we braved the wintry conditions because we promised the trio a "surprise" and made it to Flint in one piece. When we walked in the place was overrun with second graders, and we were quickly told that it was a field trip that was leaving in a half an hour. So we went to the areas without a lot of traffic, like the music room and the toddler room, but they had their eyes on the bigger exhibits. After the field trip was loaded onto their bus we more or less had the place to ourselves. Then they could deliver mail, ride in the helicopter and drive the fire truck. Then the three of them shopped in the pretend grocery store and stocked up the play house. After shopping the kids served Mary and I pizza in the play restaurant and we finished up by going into the Space Station. They had a blast running around and pretending to be a lot of different things. The next day we went to Lowe's with Grandpa and Grandma Huddas to build race cars in the Children's Workshop. They even all got a Lowe's apron and safety goggles to go with their Home Depot apron. On Sunday we went to Grandpa and Grandma Murphy's house for dinner and we got to play with Uncle ed, Uncle Tim, Aunt Robin and Conner. After time off its really hard to get back working, I guess we'll have to start counting the days until we're off in April.

Katie making some music at the museum

Helena making some music at the museum

Seamus Checking out the ball whirlpool

Where's the fire?

Seamus in helicopter

Helicopter Katie

Helicopter Helena

Seamus building his car

Helena bulding her car

Katie and her car

Helena in her Lowe's gear

Katie in her Lowe's gear

Seamus in his Lowe's gear
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