Monday, December 6, 2010

Cha Cha Cha Changes...

Big changes have been taking place in the Murphy house over the last week. For the first time, the trio is not spending every moment of their existence together. Seamus got his own big boy room! We’ve been having some serious trouble with bedtime shenanigans and came up with the common denominator of Seamus. Every time we would have to go up there it was him out of bed, turning on the light, jumping on his sisters, getting the wipes and Kleenex off the dresser, I could go on… Don’t get me wrong, the girls were not innocent in all of this. We did find Katie running around with a garbage can on her head, but the instigator was definitely Seamus. Needless to say something had to change or we may not have made it. I couldn’t take another night of wanting to go to sleep and hearing nothing but the sounds of silliness coming from down the hall. Friday night Aunt Becca babysat since Pat and I had a party to go to but bright and early on Saturday morning, we moved Seamus’s bed to his new room. At the store later that day, we bought a new nightlight and a new moose lamp for him. We picked up a dresser from Grandma and Grandpa H last night after my Christmas concert, got it home and put most of his clothes into it. He has slept in his new room great! I’m not sure why it took us so long, I guess Pat and I just weren’t ready for him to be such a big boy. Hopefully it lasts… The good thing is they started behaving just in time since St. Nicholas came to visit yesterday as well!

We are so grown up we can even make our own bagel pizzas!

Look what St. Nick brought us!

Finding the gifts in the shoes

Helena finds an Elmo

Katie finding Big Bird

Seamus and Cookie Monster

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