It's been a busy week! Grandpa Huddas's surgery went well, he's just got to heal now. Pat's parents came up to see the house for the first time that same day. We ordered and got in our early birthday present for the trio. We figured why wait when they could be enjoying it in the great weather we're having. We put it together with their expert help so it took a while but they LOVE it! They've been playing outside for 2 days straight now. We even took our first trip of the year to the zoo this morning with about half the population of the tri-county area! Busy doesn't even begin to cover how many people were there. Started some spring clean-up in the yard and discovered Katie is going to be our little nature girl. She loves playing in the leaves and dirt. The other thing we discovered is she's still sensitive to sun screen. Great... Enjoy the photos weeeeeeee!

Helena on new playground

Seamus on the slide

Katie says look out below!

Seamus in the bubble

Nice hair Helena! One draw-back of a plastic playground...

Katie and Grandma Murphy... yes that is her tu-tu she's wearing over her clothes

Seamus and Grandpa Murphy
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