Halloween craziness abounded in the Murphy house the last few weeks. It all started at the Halloween party at the new church. The wagon train was out in full force and the babies were along for the ride. They played pin the pirate ship, went on a hay ride, picked pumpkins in the St. Nick’s pumpkin patch, and overall had a great time. I had a concert that same afternoon so we had to rush out before the rest of the games but it was still fun. We did have a slight costume issue this year since Helena grew about 2 inches in the last month and outgrew her unicorn costume. She ended up being a lion which probably suits her personality better anyway. She loves to roar in her little high-pitched Beana voice. Katie was a giraffe. Totally fitting since she LOVES giraffes! Her costume was so padded that she looked like a little ball waddling down the street. Seamus was a dragon, complete with wings and a tail. He loved his costume and wanted to keep it on all the time. He actually cried when we made him take it off at Costco when we bought it. All three were totally cute! Then again, I am a little biased. On Halloween afternoon Aunt Kathy Dressig came over to visit with Halloween goodies. They got snacks, candy, and little personalized gourds. On Halloween evening we went to the McAleer’s house and trick or treated with the cousins. Bryan and Shannon left to walk with their friends but Jack, Kevin, and Conner (Murphy, not a McAleer) all walked with us. It was a fun time for all of us, maybe it was the mini-keg of Bell’s Brown or the company… not sure. But either way we had a good time. Katie especially loves to hang out with the big kids and play, Seamus mostly just sits in awe and watches them, and Helena, well she’s Helena and loves to just be herself. We did have a little impromptu dance session too thanks to the awesome 90’s music that was playing. Well, I’m typing this at work instead of paying attention to our department meetings so I guess I should get back to work. Enjoy the pictures!

Helena at Church Party

Katie at Church Party

Seamus at Church Party

Katie playing in the leaves

Seamus playing in the leaves

Helena playing in the leaves

Seamus and Katie in the leaves

Seamus on Halloween Day

Katie on Halloween Day

Helena's Halloween Pout

Getting ready for Trick or Treating

Kevin, Conner and Jack ready to go with Helena, Seamus and Katie

Daddy Trick or Treating with the kids

Mommy Trick or Treating with the kids
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