Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

We've been enjoying some family time over the last few days. Yesterday afternoon we went and saw Grandma and Grandpa Murphy for a few hours at their house. Tomorrow evening is actually their 50th wedding anniversary party! Uncle Ed, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Shari, Uncle Tim, Aunt Robin, and Conner were also visiting so we got to see all of them before heading over to my Aunt Kathy's house for dinner with the Huddas side of the family. Dinner was delicious and it was nice to not have to rush off to another stop for once. We were home before 7 so the kiddos got to bed at their normal bedtime which was nice since they missed their naps all day. I was amazed at how well they did considering how tired they were!
Today Pat and I met with the realtor and finally put our house up on the market. We've been trying to put it off for as long as possible but the time has come. Our walls will not expand any farther outward and we definitely have outgrown the space we have! Now we just have to pray someone makes a reasonable offer so we aren't too far in the hole while trying to buy a new home. We also got to finish our Christmas shopping thanks to Aunt Kathy D coming to our rescue again and babysitting. All I know is we definitely are racking up some major babysitting back-pay when Kathy and Chris have kids! Thanks again Kathy!!
Earlier this week the trio got an early Christmas present from us. We bought them the Little People Nativity set and they love it! Worth every penny!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend was pretty relaxing around the Murphy house as far as our weekends normally go that it... Pat was home from work on Friday since he had conferences during the week and he got to spend some alone time with the trio. They played outside, took a walk, and even napped! The day before they had tons of visitors so they were still recouping from that. Aunt Kathy S stopped over- sorry we ate your cookie desert! Grandma M and Aunt Robin also stopped by for a visit. They had the joy of helping with lunch. Helena of course made sure that they earned their visit by being a pain in the butt during lunch. She is definitely trying to assert her authority recently and does not want ANY help in the feeding department. She also has started the ever so cute habit of picking up a piece of food to put it in her mouth and then instantly touching that hand to her hair. She knows she’s not supposed to and will even start to cry before you tell her not to do it. She will use a fork but she likes to put that from food to her ear so we’ve got a little bit of a battle going on recently.

On Saturday morning we took the kids to Freedom Hill to get their H1N1 vaccine. The whole process took about an hour. Most of that time involved us standing in line outside with about 1500 other people. Good thing the weather was nice! We do have to go back for a second dose in about a month but I’m hoping by then that their pediatrician’s office will be giving it. Katie put up a huge fight and ended up with a pretty good bruise on her leg because of it. We took them home to nap afterward and then went up to their cousin Nora’s first birthday party in the afternoon. It was in Davison so we had over an hour drive to and from. All three of them had a great time but I still think Katie enjoys playing with the “big” kids the most. She just goes out and joins right in! She is not shy at all and doesn’t let them push her around. It’s great to see! Seamus is still the shy one. It takes him a while to warm up to people and even when he has sometimes little things will set him off. His Uncle Tim went to help him off with his jacket and he just burst into tears. He had seen Tim plenty right before and was even held by him for a while but for whatever reason he wasn’t having it. Seamus has also developed the lovely habit of screaming at the top of his lungs. He does it at dinner, in the car, at the store; pretty much anywhere he feels he needs some attention. We’ve tried to ignore it but when he has been doing it for long enough his sisters like to join in. Not so cute! So anyone out there who has any suggestions let us know!!

All in all the kids are doing great. They are all growing and asserting their independence which is a great thing but doesn’t always make for a peaceful house. We figure that since they were preemies they want to make sure they hit those terrible two’s a little early. We definitely have 3 sets of broken listeners around our house recently! Along that same note, Pat and I had a discussion on Sunday about how hard it is sometimes for us to let go and let them just be normal kids. We both really noticed it at the birthday party, Saturday. Pat thinks he’s just being too protective but I’m not so sure that’s really it. We have had to be so structured to just survive with 3 little ones that sometimes it’s hard to let go of that structure. Especially since we know that we still will have to pay for letting go. (We did on the way home when they had missed a nap, it was almost bedtime, and we still had an hour’s drive home! My ears are still ringing!) I sometimes think even people who have a few kids cannot begin to comprehend what we go through on a daily basis. Yes we want them to get out and play, but they are only 17 months old and any parent who has a toddler knows that they need to constantly be in your sight. How does that happen when you’re outnumbered? It’s fine when we’re home and in a baby-proofed locale, but what about when we’re not? How do we just let them go? I guess that’s something we’re going to have to figure out with the holidays right around the corner. Until we do though, I feel stress coming my way… Speaking of stress, I have conferences this week. 2 nights and an afternoon of meeting with parents! Can’t wait! Enjoy the Thanksgiving greeting courtesy of Pat having too much time on his hands at work!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Fun

Halloween craziness abounded in the Murphy house the last few weeks. It all started at the Halloween party at the new church. The wagon train was out in full force and the babies were along for the ride. They played pin the pirate ship, went on a hay ride, picked pumpkins in the St. Nick’s pumpkin patch, and overall had a great time. I had a concert that same afternoon so we had to rush out before the rest of the games but it was still fun. We did have a slight costume issue this year since Helena grew about 2 inches in the last month and outgrew her unicorn costume. She ended up being a lion which probably suits her personality better anyway. She loves to roar in her little high-pitched Beana voice. Katie was a giraffe. Totally fitting since she LOVES giraffes! Her costume was so padded that she looked like a little ball waddling down the street. Seamus was a dragon, complete with wings and a tail. He loved his costume and wanted to keep it on all the time. He actually cried when we made him take it off at Costco when we bought it. All three were totally cute! Then again, I am a little biased. On Halloween afternoon Aunt Kathy Dressig came over to visit with Halloween goodies. They got snacks, candy, and little personalized gourds. On Halloween evening we went to the McAleer’s house and trick or treated with the cousins. Bryan and Shannon left to walk with their friends but Jack, Kevin, and Conner (Murphy, not a McAleer) all walked with us. It was a fun time for all of us, maybe it was the mini-keg of Bell’s Brown or the company… not sure. But either way we had a good time. Katie especially loves to hang out with the big kids and play, Seamus mostly just sits in awe and watches them, and Helena, well she’s Helena and loves to just be herself. We did have a little impromptu dance session too thanks to the awesome 90’s music that was playing. Well, I’m typing this at work instead of paying attention to our department meetings so I guess I should get back to work. Enjoy the pictures!

Helena at Church Party

Katie at Church Party

Seamus at Church Party

Katie playing in the leaves

Seamus playing in the leaves

Helena playing in the leaves

Seamus and Katie in the leaves

Seamus on Halloween Day

Katie on Halloween Day

Helena's Halloween Pout

Getting ready for Trick or Treating

Kevin, Conner and Jack ready to go with Helena, Seamus and Katie

Daddy Trick or Treating with the kids

Mommy Trick or Treating with the kids