On Thursday morning we started our drive down to WV to see Pat's sister Kathy. It was a VERY long drive with 3 one year olds but we survived. I'm really happy that we decided to go. It was a ton of fun. The weather was rainy and cool so we didn't really do much but it was nice to just kind of hang out and spend time with Aunt Kathy. It also made Pat and I realize that we can do things like take vacations by ourselves without needing extra help. We did go to see Cooper's Rock which is a really cool state park where you can see a really deep gorge and walk out on an overlook. We also went to see the WVU stadium.
Cooper's Rock
Cooper's Rock
Katie and Aunt Kathy
Seamus and Aunt Kathy
Helena and Aunt Kathy
Saturday the 4th of July we left WV for Pittsburgh and the Hrebenak-Burda family reunion. This is definitely much different than the way we spent our last 4th of July! My mom's family has a reunion every 5 years and we all get together in a local park for some yummy food, pictures, and catching up. By the way- Great job Maria, hope you're planning the next one too!!! I feel a little bit like we didn't get a chance to really talk to many people but we were corralling 3 almost-walkers. By the next one they'll be 5 and a little less needy I hope! That night we went and saw some more family from the Wasilco side. Drew and Robin were having a bbq and we stopped by to say hi. Everyone else went to go see fireworks that evening but we decided to go back to the hotel instead and try and get some sleep.

Group photo
Seamus playing ball
Jim, Fred, Isaiah, and Gabriel
Maria and Helena
Sunday was a mass at Holy Ghost in McKees Rocks for deceased members of our family and then a little coffee and donut social. We were heading for home that day as well so we pretty much said our goodbyes and packed up. We had about a 5 hour car ride to get home so we knew we'd be in a little bit of trouble with the babies. They had missed a ton of naps on our trip and Helena has decided that she's going to cry in the car whenever she's not sleeping. Let's just say she slept for about 45 minutes right when we first left... you can guess what went on after that!
Today the babies and I are meeting up with some girls I went to high school with and Pat's staying home to cut the grass. We get to register for swimming lessons this week and hopefully have our last appointment with the cranio-facial specialist down at Children's hospital on Friday. I'll post more then!
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