Helena at breakfast
Seamus playing in the kitchen
Katie playing after breakfast
Pat and the babies trying to be "quiet" at 7am
Pat and I were brave this weekend and took the babies for their very first sleepover. We went up to my parents other house and spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa on Saturday. We figured it would be a good thing to practice since in less than 2 weeks we are going away for the weekend to Boyne Mountain. All in all it turned out pretty well. We had a nice dinner, a fire, and lots of play time on their nice big floor. They even slept pretty well in their pack and plays. Helena was put in their walk in closet in the bedroom and anyone who knows Helena knows why! The rest of us were all in Grandma and Grandpa's bedroom too. Thanks again for letting us kick you out of your own bed! It was kind of like being in a hotel room which is what we'll be in at Boyne. The only real problem we had was when Katie had a MAJOR blowout in her diaper!! She's been fighting a stomach virus for the last week or so. At least that's what we think it is. She ended up getting her very first bath in a real bath tub because she was covered from head to toe in, well you can fill in the blanks... We were up at about 6 the next morning and Grandpa cooked us breakfast after the babies ate. Thanks so much for putting up with the lack of sleep and uncomfortable pull-out couch. We'll have to do it again soon!!
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