The second half of Christmas day was spent at Pat's parents house. Helena is being held by Grandma, Seamus is with Grandpa, and Katie is with one of her favorite Aunt Kathys. She definitely was bonding with her and if you ask Kathy she'll say she even said "Hi" to her while she was getting her pjs on. I was there it did sound like that's what she said. It was cute to see them together and to finally have them meet their Uncle John. Aunt Shari saved the day or should I say my sanity by running out to get me some caffeine while I was trying not to have a meltdown from lack of sleep and 3 screaming babies who desperately needed a nap. Thanks again Shari! All in all it was a good day. Tiring, but good. We spent the entire day today just chilling out at home. It's been nice...

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