Katie and Uncle Ed
Seamus and Me
Helena and Grandma Murphy
Happy New Year everyone! I'm sitting here tonight thinking about all of the things that have happened in the past year. It was a year ago today that we were up at my sister's New Year's Eve party and left early because I was tired and feeling nauseous. Pat ended up going over his parents' house to celebrate New Years and I went to bed. I don't think at that point that we had any idea what the new year would truly hold for us. It brought for us a crazy roller coaster of emotions that I can't even really begin to describe. It brought our three beautiful babies that have given us more joy and happiness than I ever thought imaginable. And it brought for Pat and I an incredible bond that only babies, stress, and lack of sleep can give! I wouldn't change a minute of this past year. Even the stress of not knowing what would happen with the babies, whether they would be born early and healthy, worrying about Helena being so small, or having to leave them in the hospital while we went home to an empty house was worth it. It brought us to where we are today and for that I thank God everyday. My New Year's resolution is to try and remember no matter how tired and worn out I may feel from caring for three babies, that we are the lucky ones. We have three wonderful babies that we love very much, that are healthy, and happy. Not everyone who deals with infertility issues gets that lucky. We did. So to my babies Katie, Seamus and Helena... Happy New Year! I love you!