The week before school started back up we tried to fit as much fun in as we could. Pat has been talking to Seamus about having a boys only day out for a while and he finally got around to doing it. Tim and Conner joined them for a day of "boy stuff." They went to the comic book store, had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings, and went ice skating. The girls and I decided to have our own day too. We went to the Bounce House, visited a pet store to look at animals, went to lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise, and even did a quick trip to the mall to visit the Disney Store. I think we might have to try and do this more often. They have been talking it for 2 weeks now!
Conner and Seamus ready to skate
Tim, Conner, and Seamus at lunch
Pat and Seamus at "Boy Day"
Helena at "Girl Day"
Bounce House
Katie at "Girl Day"
We also took a trip to the zoo. Since we've been gone a lot this summer, this was only our 3rd visit of the year. The animals cooperated and we were able to see quite a bit.
Zoo Trip

This past weekend we spent some time at the Richmond Good Old Days Festival. The kids got to sit on some fire trucks, pet some animals, and even go on the ladder truck 81 feet up in the air. Katie was afraid so she stayed with me taking pictures, but Pat, Seamus, and Helena all took the ride up.
Really High!
Closer to the Ground!