Mary, Seamus, Katie, Pat and Helena with the big Yogi statue
Just over a week ago Mary and I finished up work before Summer Vacation, I got done last Wednesday and we left for camping shortly after Mary got home from work the next day. We then spent the next eight days in Norther Michigan camping and seeing some sights. The first day we were there, the kids spend most of the day playing at the playground and knocking on Yogi's door. The next day we end tubing down the Sturgeon River with Uncle Steve, Aunt Becca, Uncle John and Drew and Clay. The kids had a fun time, they brought water cannons to shoot the "Pirates" that were supposedly around us. I think at some point every one of us looked like pirates to the kids, because we were all squirted at least once. After tubing we went back to the campsite and played around there for the rest of the evening. On Saturday we went to Petoskey to go swimming in Lake Michigan and find sea Shells and Petoskey Stones. Unfortunately, we did not remember to bring our camera to Petoskey with us so there are no pictures to share. On Sunday we went to see the Cross in the Woods, and went to Mass there. Afterwards we walked to look at the giant cross and then checked out the gift shop. Grandpa Huddas bought all the kids a souvenir. The triplets, Clay, and Aunt Becca all got a necklace, and Drew got a cross to hang up. We then went to Cross Village to have a Father's Day Lunch at Leggs Inn. Upon our return to the campsite we went swimming for the first of many times. On Monday Aunt Becca, Uncle John, Clay, and Drew had to go home. Since rain was in the forecast for that day, we went to Mackinaw City to look at the Straits of Mackinac, do some shopping and see Madagascar 3. We got stuck in the rain a little, but the heavy stuff didn't come until later in the night.
Katie, Helena and Seamus at the Straits of Mackinac |
Seamus, Katie, Helena at the Straits of Mackinac |
Seamus chasing birds at the Straits of Mackinac |
Katie at the Straits of Mackinac |
Helen at the of Mackinac
The next day we went to the Upper Peninsula to see the Tahquamenon Falls. We drove up in the rain, but by the time we were there for a while the weather became beautiful. We looked at both sets of falls and did a lot of walking, so they were tired when we got back.
The whole family at the Tahquamenon Falls. |
Boy Time at the Tahquamenon Falls. |
Girl Time at the Tahquamenon Falls. |
Seamus at the Tahquamenon Falls. |
Helena at the Tahquamenon Falls. |
Katie at the Tahquamenon Falls. |
Coming back to "The Mit" over the Mackinac Bridge |
The next few days we went to the beach at Burt Lake and went fishing a few times before we went home on Friday afternoon. The trip was fun, and we did a lot of things that we weren't able to even last year. I wonder what they will be able to do next time we're at Jelly Stone.