Seamus and Katie in their hats they made in Preschool
There was some excitement before the old St. Paddy's Day festivities this year. Our friend Kathy (Aunt Kathy Doggy to the kids) had one of her twin boys come home with her on the first Saturday of March. We were all very happy for her, and we have to constantly deflect the question "When can we go see the babies?" from three very eager but recently sick 3 and a half year-olds. A couple weeks later my sister Kathy (Aunt Kathy Murphy) flew into town from NC to spend some time with us and go to my sister Deb's St. Patrick's Day Party. This year that it fell on a Saturday,so we were able to sleep in, go to a nice lunch with with my sister Kathy and Grandma and Grandpa Huddas, and even take a nap before going to the party. The kids made it much longer into the evening this year, partly due to a great nap. The weather was so nice that they pretty much played outside the entire time and had a blast. The Tuesday and Thursday leading up to March 17th the kids learned about Leprechauns at school, which they called "lepers" at first, and made some pretty nice shamrock hats. On the Sunday the 18th, Mary the kids, and I tried to make an Irish Whiskey Cake for Grandpa Murphy. I think the kids helped more than I did, and the cake was received well at our visit to Grandma and Grandpa Murphy's house. Then last Wednesday, our friend Kathy (Doggy) got to take home her second born from the hospital,we are happy they are all home now. March has been a pretty busy month for us, so we are all looking forward to our annual Spring Break trip to visit Aunt Kathy Murphy in NC. March has been so busy that we have barely started packing that Mary and I are starting to freak out that we won't have time to properly prepare for the trip.

Helena refusing to take a picture in the Shamrock Hat she made

Mary and I trying to get a picture of Helena wearing the hat she made in Preschool

Seamus helping Mary decorate my Birthday Cupcakes for the St. Paddy's Day Party

Katie helping Mary decorate my Birthday Cupcakes for the St. Paddy's Day Party

Seamus, Aunt Kathy Murphy, Helena, Mary, and Katie making the Irish Whiskey Cake