All dressed up and ready to go!

We've had a great weekend of celebrating the marriage of my cousin George and his beautiful wife Laura. The whole family went to the wedding and the reception, we had a great time! We had some delicious food, danced a ton, and I even got to see one of my former co-workers who played in the band they had. Good thing the kids all got new dancing shoes! Last weekend was just as exciting with us meeting up with some friends at the Renaissance Festival. The only downside was when on of the giant headed characters came up to us and scared the kids. We've been talking about the "man" ever since and Seamus has started to be scared of everything. Bedtime has been a little tough since the "man" scared him. We've also started full-fledged potty training. The trio are now in pullups during the day and diapers just at night. Seamus has been getting M &M's for his successful tries but the girls have been so anti-potty that I think they've each only gotten candy twice all week. Whoever said girls are easier to potty train has clearly not met our stubborn young ladies. We just keep thinking that they'll be ready by the time they go to kindergarten but it may not be much before that! Grandma and Grandpa took the kids including Drew on a picnic to Wolcott Mill this past week. They got to ride on the tractors and see the cows which they LOVE! According to Grandpa they were all squealing as soon as they turned into the lot. Hopefully we'll have a few more nice days this fall to be able to do things like that more often. We've gone to the local park and farmer's market a few times already. We're starting to see deer in the mornings and evenings again in our backyard so our nice days are probably numbered. Guess we'd better enjoy it while it lasts. Here's a bunch of pictures from the wedding!

Helenea and Helena dancing

Grandpa and Helena dancing

Clay and I twisting, he's such a good Godson!

Pat and Clay dancing, I think they were supposed to be dancing with the girls!

Becca, Clay, Drew, Katie and Aunt Carol

Grandpa and Katie dancing

Grandma and Seamus

Pat, Aunt Carol, Grandpa, and the trio cutting a rug

Having fun at dinner