Speaking of napping, we’ve been down to just one for months now but there are some days when it feels like it’s not enough! Katie and Seamus are usually good for about 1.5 hours in the afternoon, but it’s a good day if Helena is down for an hour. That girl thinks she’s always going to miss something! She’d rather vege-out on the couch and watch Elmo. We definitely need a little bit of an Elmo-intervention in our house right now. They’re all obsessed. They talk about Elmo, want to watch Elmo constantly, tell us it’s Elmo’s birthday, try to feed Elmo… do you see the pattern yet? We are also still trying to work on potty training with not a whole lot of success recently. Part of that is our fault because we are NOT consistent about asking them to go but the other part is I think they are just not ready yet. They won’t be 2 until the end of May so we have plenty of time yet. We did make a potty chart and so far Katie is the one doing the best. That’s a little surprising to us since she’s the one who fights it the most. I think it must be the stickers. They get one for trying and get a big one if they actually go. We all clap and watch whoever gets a sticker put it on the chart. They LOVE it! Seamus was a little jealous at first because it took him a few days to earn a sticker but now he has one and he’s very proud of it.
We ordered the trio part of their birthday present this weekend, a Little Tikes playground set. Why wait when they could be enjoying it right now? Hopefully it’ll come in the week we’re off for Spring Break so we can get it all set up. They love playing outside now. It’s tough trying to get them to come in most days. The can run around, play with their toys, look at trees and deer poop ( yep they’re my kids!), and go to the park. The fact that they LOVE the new house so much makes me realize we definitely made the right decision in moving. The can race on their riding toys around the loop of our kitchen, dining room, and front room. Hours of fun and lots of giggles with just a few minor fights over who’s riding what in between, yep definitely worth it!
Today we decorated some Easter eggs so some of the photos will be from that and a couple are from yesterday. My dad is going in for his hernia surgery on Weds so I’ll be off work with the kiddos. Pat starts his Spring Break on Thursday so he’ll be off with them and then a week of vacation commences. Grandpa will be out of commission for babysitting on his own for at least 3 weeks so my mom offered to take a week off to help out. After that between Pat and I and Steve’s girlfriend Melanie we will make it happen until he’s well. Say a prayer that he heals quickly, we need our babysitter healthy! Hope all is well with everyone and if we don’t see you have a Great Easter.
Helena at Easter Egg Hunt
Katie at Easter Egg Hunt
Seamus Easter Egg Hunting with Aunt Christi
Mommy decorating Easter Eggs with the kids
Daddy decorating Easter Eggs with Helena
Seamus trying to eat his Easter Egg
Katie decorating her Easter Egg