Friday, October 23, 2009

Did I Blink? Revisited

After close and careful consideration we came to the conclusion that venting (not complaining) in a blog post constitutes a tantrum for an adult. Thank you and good night.

Did I Blink?

I realized today that it's been almost 2 weeks since we last posted again... I honestly have no idea where the time went. It sometimes feels like I wake up in the morning, press play, run through my day, press pause and sleep if we're lucky, and then do it all over again the next morning. Maybe though, I just feel that way because it's Friday night after a very long week. For some reason I actually thought I would have MORE time this year with the babies being a little more independent and not needing us to hold them or give them bottles constantly. What was I thinking?? They are more independent but needing less of us is not even remotely reality. Gone are the days of plopping them into a swing, bouncer, or exersaucer so we can run to the bathroom or answer the phone. Now it's chasing, catching, and shushing... if you've called us recently you understand the shushing part. They LOVE the phone! Love to yell at the phone or anytime someone is on the phone, love to "talk" to Drew and Grandpa on the phone- which really means that if you try to actually have them talk to anyone they just stare at it, and love to try and hang up the phone or dial on it when you are talking. Crazies!

Blakes in our choo-choo wagon

Last weekend we went on a mission to try and find some fresh fruit and veggies at some of the local orchards. We got a bunch of squash from my cousin Maria which the babies are loving and even got a couple pumpkins. We made a stop up at Grandma and Grandpa's house and helped Grandpa plant a tree. We definitely live in Michigan because it was about 40 degrees outside on Saturday but by mid week it was in the 60's. Today we're back in the 40's with rain. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, we have Zoo Boo tickets and don't want to be rained out. Tomorrow is also flu shot day for the trio so Zoo Boo could be a disaster on 2 fronts. Let's hope not though!

Seamus is trying to unplant the tree!

This week has been a little crazier than usual. Flu shots for Pat and I, work meetings before and after school, having to get my brakes and rotors replaced on my van, frantically searching for a new Halloween costume for Helena since she outgrew the one we just bought her last month and didn't try it on her until today even though we need it tomorrow, and Seamus and Helena teething which means being up 4 hours in the middle of the night, has made for crankiness all around. I think I have the worst case of it with Pat being a close second. Why can't adults throw tantrums? I bet it would relieve some stress and make us feel a little better!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Photo Shoot

Pat and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday and actually got to spend a night away from home. Thanks to Aunt Kathy and Uncle Chris who took the babies Friday night, we were able to go to the Greektown Casino and stay at their hotel. When we got home on Saturday it was so nice out that we decided to try and do a little photo shoot. The babies have all had colds and didn't nap well but I think it turned out pretty well!




This is how a bunch of pictures really looked!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oktoberfest '09

Today was the annual autumn celebration of Oktoberfest. We all went up to Grandma and Grandpa Huddas' house up north for a day of sausage and beer (no beer for the babies). There were a lot of little kids around for the babies to play with, which they can do now since they are all getting good at walking. After the babies had their lunch and played around outside we went on a tractor ride around the house and property while singing songs. After the tractor ride we had to quickly do the 2nd annual Shoe Kick before the rain came down. Last Sunday was the last official Liturgy at our church, as it is moving to a different location. This is a big deal for us because this is the church we were married in and where the kids were baptized. So we made sure that we got in to be part of the service and the luncheon afterward. The pictures are of last Sunday and today.

Katie with a bow in her hair for Church

Helena and Katie getting ready

Katie, Helena and Seamus eating at Church

Babies first pizza dinner!

Seamus showing off his new jersey at Oktoberfest

Katie with a Koala at Oktoberfest

Helena rocking the chair at Oktoberfest

Helena, Aunt Christi (AKA Swell), Seamus, Me and Helena on Tractor Ride

Shoe Kick (see the babies shoes way up in the air? They didn't win, who was the judge anyway?)