Camping with the Trio

Grandma opening her birthday gifts

Seamus Camping

Katie Camping

Helena Camping
We've been off of work now for over a week and I feel like I've barely sat down for a minute. Pat and I decided this past week to convince my parents to go camping with us, so on Wednesday after Katie's helmet appointment we drove up to Davison to camp for a few nights. Katie's appointment went well, we're hoping when we see the doctor next month that we'll finally be completely done with helmets. As far as camping went we all had a good time! It was raining part of the time we were there but sunny the rest, so we were able to get out and stroll the park. We also went shopping at Birch Run and I got a sweet new purse. Katie helped me pick it out, I think she liked the big pink bow that they had on it. My daughter is catching her mother's addiction to Coach purses WAY to early! We also had ice cream cones and went swimming for the first time. They all liked the pool but I think the girls are going to be the new fish of the family. We also celebrated Grandma Huddas's birthday. Today we celebrated Father's Day. We started out by trying to take some pictures with our new camera. We just got a new Canon Rebel xsi which I LOVE! It's so much faster than our old one. A little harder to use but we'll get used to it. The pictures were tough to take today, Seamus has had a fever on and off the last week- he has a new tooth, finally up to 6. Katie has a rash from the sun block we put on her yesterday. We thought we had finally found one she wasn't allergic to, guess not. Helena, well, she was being Helena. The ones I'm posting are the best we could do even with a faster camera. After that though we went to my parents and then Pat's parents to see our families and celebrate Father's Day with our dads. It's been a fun week, I can't wait to see what more this summer holds!!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Pat opening his gift from the babies

Happy Father's Day!!