Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, I Think

It's been one hell of a day! Not at all how I pictured spending the babies first birthday. Katie went to the pediatrician's office with a fever that won't go away. Now Seamus has it and puked all over him and me when he gagged on the Tylenol we tried to give him. All while we're trying to get ready for their big party tomorrow. I just hope that they all get well enough that we don't have to cancel! So far Helena is fine... time will tell I guess. I'll post pictures later, hopefully we can get some non-sick ones tomorrow!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Walk in the Park

I am off work today for Memorial Day weekend and because of that I got to spend the whole day with my lovely trio! Pat is at work right now and the babies are taking their afternoon naps so I figured I'd post some pictures from our trip to the park today. We decided to go for a walk right after lunch since it's so beautiful outside. I should have been power washing the play scape and picnic table for their birthday party next weekend but what fun is that! We got to see a couple dogs which they LOVE, a fire truck which scared them, and swing on the park swings for the first time! Helena and Seamus loved it but as you'll see in the pictures Katie was not a fan! She likes her swing at home but I don't think she liked all of the slipping and sliding she could do in these. I even tried putting her in with Helena, it didn't help. Enjoy the beautiful weather and have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Some swinging monkeys!

Katie saying "get me off of this thing!"

Helena having a good time

Seamus the "swing master"

This is where Katie wanted to spend most of her park time (when I wasn't holding her!)

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Toys and New Tricks

Katie and her new trick- walking with the shopping cart!

The countdown is on... in 11 days we will have 3 one year olds on our hands. I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by. I have only 15 work days left in the school year and then it's summer vacation! I can't wait. This year has tested us in ways that we never could have predicted, but it's definitely been worth it. I can't believe how much has changed since we went back to work in August!
This past weekend Pat and I took the kids to IKEA for a little outing. We wanted to go to Partridge Creek but it rained Friday and Saturday so an outdoor mall just didn't work out. IKEA was a hit though. All of the sights and sounds kept the trio entertained and we even got a couple new toys, a tunnel and a tent. The tunnel we set up in the basement play area but I think we're going to save the tent for when we play outside during the summer.




We've had some progress in the teeth department. Katie is now up to 8 teeth, Helena has 7 including one nasty molar that's been bothering her a bunch, Seamus is still sitting at 5. Speaking of Seamus he's learned a new trick too. You'll never guess what it is from his picture???? Yep, that's right he's learned to take his diaper off. Guess he'll be wearing onsies for the rest of his life! Or at least until he's potty trained or gets over this new FUN habit. He's also taken to chewing his crib so we went out today to get everyone crib guards. We'll see if they work. I have a feeling they're going to figure out how to pull them right off and we'll find them chewing them as well as their cribs!

Seamus trying to get his diaper off

Success! Pat calls this his Austin Powers shot!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It's been a while since I did a post (Pat's done the last few) so I figured I'd send out a message to all of the mothers out there and wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day! We had a busy day of visiting and the babies missed their afternoon nap. I feel like I could have used one too. We're only weeks away from the big first birthday party and we have a ton to get done. Still not sure how it's going to happen but we'll try. The picture below is from yesterday when Aunt Becca came over with her crew to babysit so Pat and I could go to a Euchre party. The last picture is of the babies doing their new favorite hobby, staring out the door!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good-bye April, Hello May

At the end of April, the babies had their 11 Month Day! Mary and I can NOT believe how fast this first year with the babies is flying by. We joked today that we're not ready for them to be one yet and should push back their Birthday to the original due date of July 4th. In truth we are incredibly proud of our two daughters and son, and can not believe how much they have grown since they were born at 4 1/2lbs, 4 1/2lbs, and 5 1/2 lbs. Katie is still the biggest and has the most teeth with 7. She and Seamus are the tallest at 29" long, Helena still is our little Bean at 28". Helena has grown a few more teeth and has 6 now and Seamus is still waiting to grow in his 5th tooth.

Katie's 11 Month Day Picture

Seamus' 11 Month Day Picture

Helena's 11 Month Day Picture

Katie, Helena, and Seamus looking out the front door