Katie, Seamus, and Helena 1st St Paddy's Day!!

Pat turned 30 on St Patrick's Day and we actually got to go out! We went out to dinner and then down to the Joe to see the Wings play the Flyers. It was a good night and we had a lot of fun. Kathy, her mom, and mother-in-law all came over to watch the kids. They had a great time themselves showing off for their visitors. We actually had birthday cake and a wonderful corned beef and cabbage dinner that my dad made for us the day before. Thanks again dad! The babies and I sang to Pat and he blew out his candles. They even got to have a little piece of cake. I'm not sure they actually ate any of it but they liked playing with it.

We've also had a pretty busy week of learning new things.

Helena is finally holding her own bottle and has a new tooth. She is so close to crawling that any day now she'll be chasing after Seamus.

Katie is becoming a scooting machine and pulled herself up to kneeling in her crib for the first time today.

Seamus got a new toy- a shopping cart and loves to stand up with it. He's also started standing without holding on to anything for a few seconds at a time. I swear they will all be walking and talking before we know it. Speaking of talking, Katie and Helena both say mama, dada, and baba. Seamus says mama and baba, but no dada yet. Pat is very upset about it but won't admit it! I think they all try to say something like grandpa too but we're not quite sure about that yet.
Tomorrow night we get to go out again for some sushi- yuck! Pat loves it though and so do Kathy and Chris who we're going out with so I guess I'm out numbered. Aunt Becca's coming over to babysit WooHoo!!!